I Will Miss You!

My last time smoking..
Just for a little while!
We had some good times,
That will forever be in my mind.
But alas, I must bid you adieu,
I will miss you,
But now I’ve got to be true.

Hence forth I go!
To change what I see..
And to see what I changed.
No need to ever Spange!
Because I’ve got
Spare change!
This is why it must end,
Though I never did intend.
For my path, it depends.

Just wait a bit,
Just this little bit…
So I can get my shit strait,
If you want to go on that date.

And when that day comes,
We will be so ready!
Our shit strait-
Even went on that date-
That we will be so high
Under the midnight sky.
Just as happy as pie.

*S. Slate 2016*